لوگوی انجمن

Iran Finance Association

The 5 main pillars of the “Urban Financing Initiative” were announced

The secretary of the Iran Financial Association and the scientific secretary of the Urban Financing Initiative conference explained the 5 main pillars of the implementation of this movement.

Ali Namaki said in a press conference with media members this afternoon – Saturday, December 2th – pointing out that the name of this project was done with the aim of benefiting a wide range of people. The design of this program is built in consideration of 5 special stages.

The secretary of the Iran Financial Association and the scientific secretary of the conference and exhibition of the Urban Financing Initiative added: The design of this program is built in consideration of 5 special stages.

Namaki added: The next pillar of the implementation of the project is the banks and the capital market, which will provide the financial market of the mentioned movement, in the meantime, Shahr Bank guarantees the resources and credits that are used in this direction.

He further listed the developers as the third pillar of the implementation of the plan and reminded: We intend to enter the phase of cooperation with foreign investors over time and in the long term.

This responsible official announced the identification of prominent and influential people to realize the third pillar of the project implementation and said: We intend to complete the above route with the help of active constructive institutions in each neighborhood.

The scientific secretary of the Urban Financing Initiative conference and exhibition said: The government, including the government and the parliament, will be the fourth pillar of the plan’s implementation, and the people will be the fifth pillar of its implementation.

End of message/