لوگوی انجمن

Iran Finance Association

Objectives of the Iranian Finance Association

By holding various scientific-expert meetings at the level of prominent financial science celebrities in the years 2008 to 2013, this scientific community was established in order to expand and advance and promote financial knowledge and qualitative development of expert forces and improve educational and research matters in the fields Related to the financial field, establish the Iran Financial Association.
Since that period, due to the spread of the financial industry in the development system of the country, various associations were registered in this field, which according to their wishes included activities in the corners of this market and tried to establish a connection between different financial fields with the industry. Provide the reasons for the increasing expansion of this science. This creation of communication fulfilled the reasons for the excellence of the financial industry, but it did not fulfill the intentions of the country’s famous scientists in the field of finance.
Therefore, in the year 2019, the process of forming a coherent and organized association in the field of financial sciences was followed up in a more complete way. , research institutes and the financial industry, the approval for the establishment of this association was issued in July 2014 by the honorable Ministry of Science, and the largest and most fundamental financial science association of the country was established at Tehran University.

Objectives of formation:

Among the goals of the biggest professors in the financial field of the country in order to establish this great scientific association, the following can be mentioned:

  • Conducting scientific and cultural research at the national and international level with researchers and experts who deal with financial knowledge;
  • Cooperation with executive, scientific and research institutions in the field of evaluation and revision and implementation of plans and programs related to education and research in the scientific field of the association’s activity;
  • Encouraging and encouraging researchers and honoring distinguished researchers and professors;
  • providing educational and research services and conducting research;
  • Holding scientific gatherings (training courses, seminars, conferences and conferences) at the national, regional and international level;
  • Publication of books and scientific publications in order to achieve the goals of the association in accordance with the laws and regulations;
  • Creating coherence between scientific and practical fields related to financial issues;
  • Active participation with other related associations at home and abroad to improve the level of current financial knowledge and establish communication between organizations and active experts in the financial field at home and abroad;
  • Creating a platform to improve financial knowledge in the country with an educational, research and promotional approach;
  • Development of professional and specialized standards;
  • providing expert opinions in financial fields;

According to the goals that have been mentioned, it can be concluded that this association, unlike the existing associations in this industry, pursues more basic goals, which causes the association to cooperate more widely with other circles active in the field of research, education, and industry.