لوگوی انجمن

Iran Finance Association

Two consecutive meetings were held with the topic of election analysis on Iran’s financial markets.

The business environment analysis committee held a webinar on the topic of election analysis on Iran’s financial markets with the speech of Mr. Dr. Maitham Radpour “capital market senior expert” dated 30/07/1399 and 01/08/1399.  

The following matters were discussed in the said meeting:

The US election is one of the most important political events in the world. An event that, as usual, affects the decisions of economic policy makers, investors and business owners due to the change of economic expectations. The result of this election is very important especially for the economic activists of our country. Because the quality of future Iran-US political relations directly affects the risk-return balance of the country’s financial markets.

Activists of the financial markets of our country seek to answer these questions: Will there be a negotiation between the two countries with the establishment of the new government in the United States? What effect do these negotiations have on the sanctions imposed on our country? As a result of the new government, will there be a change in the foreign currency income of the country? And …

The answers to these questions are very important for investors to decide on asset allocation and portfolio selection.