لوگوی انجمن

Iran Finance Association

The series of “roadmap” meetings began

Finance Association of Iran in order to expand and advance and promote financial knowledge and qualitative development of expert forces and improve affairs
Educational and research plans to hold a series of meetings under the title of road map, a fundamental step in the direction of awareness
To take students to enter various job fields in the financial industry, which is important in cooperation with the The management faculty’s industry liaison office
of Tehran University and a group of concerned students will be done.
In the series of road map meetings, the effort is to invite experienced and capable activists in various financial institutions to the following questions
be answered:
1 Getting to know the job positions available in every financial institution
2 Career and education future in every field
3 Educational path and necessary measures to learn the knowledge needed in each field
4 Skills needed to enter any field
The purpose of holding this series of meetings is to meet the needs of students in the financial field through familiarization with various career paths
in the financial industry, acquire the knowledge and skills needed.