لوگوی انجمن

The 6th Annual Ordinary General Assembly of Iran Financial Association was held on July 30.

According to the previous invitation/advertisement in the newspaper dated 04/15/2019, the meeting of the annual general meeting of the non-commercial institution of the Iranian Financial Sciences Association, Rasa’at 17, on Monday, 04/30/2019, in the place of Saman Al-Hajj Hall, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, with the presence of the majority of members. Was formed.

Then, according to the agenda of the meeting, the following items were reviewed and approved:

  1. Listening to the report of the president, secretary and inspector of the association
  2. Approval of financial statements of the association until the end of 2018
  3. Presenting future policies and future forecast of the Association’s budget
  4. Determining the membership fee of real and legal members in 2019
  5. Determining a widely circulated newspaper to include the forum’s announcements
  6. Reviewing and approving the document and the 5-year strategic plan of the association
  7. Other matters that are under the jurisdiction of the ordinary general assembly.

The assembly session started with the presentation of Dr. Reza Rai’s report. In the following, Dr. Ali Namaki, as the secretary of the association, explained about the financial statements of the association. Then, while approving the financial statements of 2018 by Mr. Dr. Gholamreza Karmi, the main inspector of the association, the assembly approved the financial statements of the association. Next, the future budget of the association was determined and approved.

In the following, the membership fee of legal and real members of the association was approved as follows without any change compared to 2017. Also, the document and the 5-year strategic plan of the Iranian Financial Association were reviewed and approved without changes.