لوگوی انجمن

Iran Finance Association

A meeting on the topic of “creating liquidity of banks” was held by the banking committee

A meeting on the topic of “creating liquidity of banks” was held by the banking committee in the form of a webinar with the speech of Mr. Dr. Mustafa Gorgani, “Doctorate in finance, banking” on 21/08/2019.

The following matters were discussed in the said meeting.

Liquidity Creation is one of the roles that banks play according to the modern theory of financial intermediation, and its components are theoretically related to the real economy. In this regard, the following topics were discussed in this meeting.

  • The concept of liquidity creation and its investigation in the form of financial intermediation theory
  • A review of the main theories related to the creation of banks’ liquidity
  • Introduced methods for calculating banks’ liquidity creation
  • A review of the literature and studies conducted in the field of banks’ liquidity creation
  • Investigating the effect of oil price shocks and economic sanctions on banks’ liquidity and investigating the effect of banks’ liquidity on economic growth